Localic subspaces and colimits of localic spaces
Tóm tắt
A spectral space is localic if it corresponds to a frame under Stone Duality. This class of spaces was introduced by the author (under the name ’locales’) as the topological version of the classical frame theoretic notion of locales, see Johnstone and also Picado and Pultr). The appropriate class of subspaces of a localic space are the localic subspaces. These are, in particular, spectral subspaces. The following main questions are studied (and answered): Given a spectral subspace of a localic space, how can one recognize whether the subspace is even localic? How can one construct all localic subspaces from particularly simple ones? The set of localic subspaces and the set of spectral subspaces are both inverse frames. The set of localic subspaces is known to be the image of an inverse nucleus on the inverse frame of spectral subspaces. How can the inverse nucleus be described explicitly? Are there any special properties distinguishing this particular inverse nucleus from all others? Colimits of spectral spaces and localic spaces are needed as a tool for the comparison of spectral subspaces and localic subspaces.
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