Lithofacies types and vertical profile models; an alternative approach to the description and environmental interpretation of glacial diamict and diamictite sequences
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A lithofacies code is presented here for the rapid description and visual appraisal of field sequences or drill cores containing unconsolidated diamicts or lithified diamictites; the term‘till’is not used as it has a strict genetic definition referring to direct aggregation and deposition by glacier ice. Use of a four part code, in conjunction with codes already published for fluvial sediments, allows fundamental field properties to be depicted independent of genetic terminology and provides a firm basis for subsequent environmental interpretation and analytical work. The value of this approach is illustrated by comparing a representative suite of vertical profiles of diamict assemblages deposited by modern grounded glaciers with a classic late Pleistocene glacigenic sequence at Scarborough Bluffs, Ontario.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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