Linkage between passenger demand and surrounding land-use patterns at urban rail transit stations: A canonical correlation analysis method and case study in Chongqing

Xin Li1, Yue Liu2, Zhigang Gao3, Daizong Liu4
1Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, P.O. Box 784, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0784, United States
2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, P.O. Box 784, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0784, United States
3Chongqing Urban Transport Planning and Research Institute, No. 18, Yanghe’er Road, China
4World Resources Institute China, Rm K-M, 7/F, Tower A, The East Gate Plaza, #9 Dongzhong Street, Beijing 100027, China

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