Linear elastic materials with voids
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Nunziato, J.W., and S.C. Cowin, “A Nonlinear Theory of Elastic Materials with Voids,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 72, 175 (1979).
Goodman, M.A., and S.C. Cowin, “A Continuum Theory for Granular Materials”, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 44, 249 (1972).
Cowin, S.C., and M.A. Goodman, “A Variational Principle for Granular Materials,” ZAMP 56, 281 (1976).
Nunziato, J.W., and E.K. Walsh, “On Ideal Multiphase Mixtures with Chemical Reactions and Diffusion,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 73, 285 (1980).
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Atkin, R.J., S.C. Cowin, and N. Fox, “On Boundary Conditions for Polar Materials,” ZAMP 28, 1017 (1977).
Nunziato, J.W., and E.K. Walsh, “Small-Amplitude Wave Behavior in One-Dimensional Granular Materials,” J. Appl. Mech. 44, 559 (1977).
Nunziato, J.W., and E.K. Walsh, “On the Influence of Void Compaction and Material Non-Uniformity on the Propagation of One-Dimensional Acceleration Waves in Granular Materials,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 64, 299 (1977); Addendum, ibid, 67, 395 (1978).
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Cowin, S.C. and Puri, P., The Classical Pressure Vessel Problems for Linear Elastic Materials with Voids, J. Elasticity, 13 (1983) 157.
Passman, S.L., Stress Relaxation, Creep, Failure and Hysteresis in a Linear Elastic Material with Voids, J. Elasticity, in press (accepted May 12, 1982).
Cowin, S.C., A Note on the Problem of Pure Bending for a linear Elastic Material with Voids, J. Elasticity, in press (accepted July 26, 1982).
Cowin, S.C., The Stresses Around a Hole in a Linear Elastic Material with Voids, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., in press (accepted November 5, 1982), to appear in vol. 36, no. 4, 1983.