Learning to think spatially in an undergraduate interdisciplinary computational design context: a case study

Belgacem Ben Youssef1,2,3, Barbara Berry4
1Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Surrey, Canada
3TechOne Program, Simon Fraser University, Surrey, Canada
4Teaching and Learning Centre, Simon Fraser University, Surrey, Canada

Tóm tắt

Spatial thinking skills are vital for success in everyday living and work, not to mention the centrality of spatial reasoning in scientific discoveries, design-based disciplines, medicine, geosciences and mathematics to name a few. This case study describes a course in spatial thinking and communicating designed and delivered by an interdisciplinary team over a three-year period to first-year university students. Four major elements provide a framework for the sequencing of instruction and acquisition of 2D and 3D spatial thinking and reasoning skills in a computational design context. We describe the process of introducing students to computational design environments beginning with a fun and familiar tool in preparation for a more complex, industry-standard system (SolidWorks). A design project provides diverse student teams an opportunity to integrate and apply foundational spatial concepts and skills including sketching, 2D and 3D representations, as well as digital and physical modeling. Samples of student work illustrate the scaffolding necessary for students to successfully draw upon the spatial thinking and communication skills required to complete their team projects beginning with applying sketching techniques; modeling individual 3D parts; creating digital assemblies; and finally building the equivalent 3D physical model. Key instructional principles provide a framework for the analysis of what worked and what didn’t in relation to spatial skills development in students. The lessons learned are identified along with potential future directions for teaching and learning scholarship in spatial thinking development within a computational design context.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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