Learning from Imbalanced Data

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering - Tập 21 Số 9 - Trang 1263-1284 - 2009
Haibo He1, Edwardo A. Garcia1
1Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Stevens Inst. of Technol., Hoboken, NJ, USA#TAB#

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Tài liệu tham khảo

drummond, 2003, C4.5, Class Imbalance, and Cost Sensitivity: Why Under Sampling Beats Over-Sampling, Proc Int'l Conf Machine Learning Workshop Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets II

mease, 2007, Boosted Classification Trees and Class Probability/Quantile Estimation, J Machine Learning Research, 8, 409

chawla, 2003, C4.5 and Imbalanced Data Sets: Investigating the Effect of Sampling Method, Probabilistic Estimate, and Decision Tree Structure, Proc Int'l Conf Machine Learning Workshop Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets II


caruana, 2000, Learning from Imbalanced Data: Rank Metrics and Extra Tasks, Proc Am Assoc for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conf, 51



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japkowicz, 2003, Class Imbalances: Are We Focusing on the Right Issue?, Proc Int'l Conf Machine Learning Workshop Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets II


prati, 2004, Class Imbalances versus Class Overlapping: An Analysis of a Learning System Behavior, Proc Mexican Conf Artif Intell, 312




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liu, 2006, The Influence of Class Imbalance on Cost-Sensitive Learning: An Empirical Study, Proc Int’l Conf Data Mining, 970


liu, 2006, Exploratory Under Sampling for Class Imbalance Learning, Proc Int’l Conf Data Mining, 965

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zhang, 2003, KNN Approach to Unbalanced Data Distributions: A Case Study Involving Information Extraction, Proc Int’l Conf Machine Learning (ICML ’2003) Workshop Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets

han, 2005, Borderline-SMOTE: A New Over-Sampling Method in Imbalanced Data Sets Learning, Proc Int’l Conf Intelligent Computing, 878

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singla, 2005, Discriminative Training of Markov Logic Networks, Proc Int’l Conf Artificial Intelligence, 868

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platt, 1999, Fast Training of Support Vector Machines Using Sequential Minimal Optimization, Advances in Kernel Methods Support Vector Learning, 185


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holte, 2000, Explicitly Representing Expected Cost: An Alternative to ROC Representation, Proc Int'l Conf Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 198


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ertekin, 2007, Learning on the Border: Active Learning in Imbalanced Data Classification, Proc ACM Conf Information and Knowledge Management, 127



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zhou, 2006, On Multi-Class Cost-Sensitive Learning, Proc Int’l Conf Artificial Intelligence, 567

liu, 2006, Training Cost-Sensitive Neural Networks with Methods Addressing the Class Imbalance Problem, IEEE Trans Knowledge and Data Eng, 18, 63, 10.1109/TKDE.2006.17

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provost, 1998, The Case against Accuracy Estimation for Comparing Induction Algorithms, Proc Int’l Conf Machine Learning, 445


tang, 2006, Granular SVM with Repetitive Undersampling for Highly Imbalanced Protein Homology Prediction, Proc Int’l Conf Granular Computing, 457

provost, 1997, Analysis and Visualization of Classifier Performance: Comparison under Imprecise Class and Cost Distributions, Proc Int'l Conf Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 43


tang, 2005, Granular SVM-RFE Feature Selection Algorithm for Reliable Cancer-Related Gene Subsets Extraction on Microarray Gene Expression Data, Proc 2nd IEEE Bioinformatics Bioeng Symp, 290

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wu, 2004, Aligning Boundary in Kernel Space for Learning Imbalanced Data Set, Proc Int’l Conf Data Mining, 265


wu, 2003, Adaptive Feature-Space Conformal Transformation for Imbalanced-Data Learning, Proc Int’l Conf Machine Learning, 816