Landscape of IoT security
Tài liệu tham khảo
Schwab, 2016
Gou, 2013, Construction and strategies in IoT security system, 1129
Pacheco, 2017, IoT security framework for smart water system, 1285
Vega, 2020
Maayan, 2020
van der Meulen, 2017
Liu, 2020
Sicari, 2015, Security, privacy and trust in internet of things: The road ahead, Elsevier Comput. Netw., 76, 146, 10.1016/j.comnet.2014.11.008
Romkey, 2017, Toast of the IoT: The 1990 interop internet toaster, IEEE Consum. Electron. Mag., 6, 116, 10.1109/MCE.2016.2614740
Rajaraman, 2017, Radio frequency identification, Resonance, 22, 549, 10.1007/s12045-017-0498-6
Suresh, 2014, A state of the art review on the internet of things (IoT) history, technology and fields of deployment, 1
Mark Patel, 2017
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Gatouillat, 2018, Internet of medical things: A review of recent contributions dealing with cyber-physical systems in medicine, IEEE Internet Things J., 5, 3810, 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2849014
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Bharadwaj, 2019
Arasteh, 2016, Iot-based smart cities: A survey, 1
Horwitz, 2020
Manyika, 2013
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Ngo, 2020, A survey of IoT malware and detection methods based on static features, ICT Express, 6, 280, 10.1016/j.icte.2020.04.005
Shirley, 2000
Evans, 2002
Grant, 2014
Cilfone, 2019, Wireless mesh networking: An IoT-oriented perspective survey on relevant technologies, MDPI Future Internet, 11, 99, 10.3390/fi11040099
Lin, 2016, The development of IC packaging under the Internet of Things standards, 209
Devalal, 2018, LoRa technology - An overview, 284
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Stiller, 2021, An overview of network communication technologies for IoT
Shelby, 2009
Kushalnagar, 2007, 1
Kim, 2012, 1
Shelby, 2012, 1
Chakrabarti, 2017, 1
Thubert, 2016, 1
Kothmayr, 2013, DTLS based security and two-way authentication for the Internet of Things, Ad Hoc Netw., 11, 2710, 10.1016/j.adhoc.2013.05.003
Bormann, 2012, CoAP: An application protocol for billions of tiny internet nodes, IEEE Internet Comput., 16, 62, 10.1109/MIC.2012.29
Tamboli, 2016, Secure and efficient CoAP based authentication and access control for Internet of Things (IoT), 1245
Arvind, 2019, An overview of security in CoAP: Attack and analysis, 655
Yassein, 2016, Application layer protocols for the Internet of Things: A survey, 1
Suciu, 2019, Secure smart agriculture monitoring technique through isolation, 1
Li, 2017, Security architecture in the internet of things, 27
Sethi, 2017, Internet of things: Architectures, protocols, and applications, Hindawi J. Electr. Comput. Eng., 2017
Noor, 2019, Current research on internet of things (IoT) security: A survey, Elsevier Comput. Netw., 148, 283, 10.1016/j.comnet.2018.11.025
Bujari, 2018, Standards, security and business models: Key challenges for the IoT scenario, Mob. Netw. Appl., 23, 147, 10.1007/s11036-017-0835-8
Zhang, 2019, The current research of IoT security, 346
Stallings, 2015, The internet of things: Network and security architecture, Internet Soc.: Internet Protocol J., 18, 2
Zhang, 2018, Security and trust issues in fog computing: A survey, Elsevier Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 88, 16, 10.1016/j.future.2018.05.008
Kolias, 2017, DDos in the IoT: Mirai and other botnets, IEEE Comput., 50, 80, 10.1109/MC.2017.201
Jordan Robertson, 2014
Stevens, 2018, Cyberweapons: Power and the governance of the invisible, Springer Int. Politics, 55, 482, 10.1057/s41311-017-0088-y
Singh, 2015, Internet of things (IoT): Security challenges, business opportunities & reference architecture for E-commerce, 1577
Kolias, 2015, Securely making things right, IEEE Comput., 48, 84, 10.1109/MC.2015.258
Babar, 2010, Proposed security model and threat taxonomy for the internet of things (IoT), 420
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Bastos, 2018, GDPR privacy implications for the internet of things
Drolet, 2018
Notra, 2014, An experimental study of security and privacy risks with emerging household appliances, 79
Minoli, 2017, IoT security (IoTsec) considerations, requirements, and architectures, 1006
Zarpelão, 2017, A survey of intrusion detection in internet of things, Elsevier J. Netw. Comput. Appl., 84, 25, 10.1016/j.jnca.2017.02.009
Jonsdottir, 2017, IoT network monitor, 1
Nam, 2020, Recurrent gans password cracker for iot password security enhancement, Sensors, 20, 3106, 10.3390/s20113106
Hellaoui, 2017, Energy-efficient mechanisms in security of the internet of things: A survey, Elsevier Comput. Netw., 127, 173, 10.1016/j.comnet.2017.08.006
Bormann, 2014, 1
Das, 2018, Taxonomy and analysis of security protocols for internet of things, Elsevier Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 89, 110, 10.1016/j.future.2018.06.027
Alqassem, 2014, A taxonomy of security and privacy requirements for the internet of things (IoT), 1244
Roman, 2013, On the features and challenges of security and privacy in distributed internet of things, Elsevier Comput. Netw., 57, 2266, 10.1016/j.comnet.2012.12.018
Tweneboah-Koduah, 2017, Cyber security threats to IoT applications and service domains, Springer Wirel. Personal Commun., 95, 169, 10.1007/s11277-017-4434-6
Nawir, 2016, Internet of things (IoT): Taxonomy of security attacks, 321
Stewart, 2020, Explain the difference between identification and authentication (identity proofing)
Zhou, 2017, Security and privacy for cloud-based IoT: Challenges, IEEE Commun. Mag., 55, 26, 10.1109/MCOM.2017.1600363CM
Martin, 2020, Towards a formal IoT security model, MDPI Symmetry, 12, 1
El-Hajj, 2019, A survey of internet of things (IoT) authentication schemes, Sensors, 19, 1141, 10.3390/s19051141
Kim, 2017, Authentication and authorization for the internet of things, IT Prof., 19, 27, 10.1109/MITP.2017.3680960
Scarfone, 2018, Confidentiality, integrity, and availability - archive of obsolete content — MDN
Lu, 2019, Internet of things (IoT) cybersecurity research: A review of current research topics, IEEE Internet Things J., 6, 2103, 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2869847
Pokorni, 2019, Reliability and availability of the internet of things, Minist. Def. Serb. Armed Forces: Vojnoteh. Glas. / Mil. Tech. Cour., 67, 588
Onieva, 2008, Multiparty nonrepudiation: A survey, ACM Comput. Surv., 41, 10.1145/1456650.1456655
Pacheco, 2016, IoT security framework for smart cyber infrastructures, 242
Kimani, 2019, Cyber security challenges for IoT-based smart grid networks, Elsevier Int. J. Crit. Infrastruct. Prot., 25, 36, 10.1016/j.ijcip.2019.01.001
Sidhu, 2019, Hardware security in IoT devices with emphasis on hardware Trojans, J. Sensor Actuator Netw., 8, 42, 10.3390/jsan8030042
Schläpfer, 2019, Security on IoT devices with secure elements
Niya, 2020, BIIT: Standardization of blockchain-based I2ot systems in the I4 era, 1
Rafati Niya, 2021, Architectures for blockchain-IoT integration, Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 321
Pinto, 2019, Demystifying arm TrustZone: A comprehensive survey, ACM Comput. Surv., 51, 10.1145/3291047
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Bjorklund, 2010
Fielding, 2000
Silva, 2019, M4DN.IoT-A networks and devices management platform for internet of things, IEEE Access, 7, 53305, 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2909436
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Karim, 2019, An OpenID based authentication service mechanisms for internet of things, 687
Shang, 2016, Challenges in IoT networking via TCP/IP architecture, NDN Proj.
Sporny, 2022
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Windley, 2019, Multisource digital identity, IEEE Internet Comput., 23, 8, 10.1109/MIC.2019.2940222
Dunphy, 2018, A first look at identity management schemes on the blockchain, IEEE Secur. Priv., 16, 20, 10.1109/MSP.2018.3111247
Zervaki, 2020
Stoyanova, 2020, A survey on the internet of things (IoT) forensics: Challenges, approaches, and open issues, IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutor., 22, 1191, 10.1109/COMST.2019.2962586
Oriwoh, 2013, Internet of things forensics: Challenges and approaches, 608
Hou, 2020, A survey on digital forensics in internet of things, IEEE Internet Things J., 7, 1, 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2940713
Zawoad, 2015, FAIoT: Towards building a forensics aware eco system for the internet of things, 279
Sadineni, 2019, A holistic forensic model for the internet of things, 3
Hossain, 2018
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Al-Sharrah, 2018, Watch your smartwatch, 1
Symington, 2020
Malik, 2019, A survey of key bootstrapping protocols based on public key cryptography in the internet of things, IEEE Access, 7, 27443, 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2900957
Lear, 2019
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Alhowaide, 2021, Ensemble detection model for IoT IDS, Internet Things, 16, 10.1016/j.iot.2021.100435
Tankovska, 2020
2020, Vulnerability metrics
2019, Vulnerabilities by type