Jointly optimized design of distributed RS-coded spatial modulation by appropriate selection at the relay
Tóm tắt
This paper proposes the distributed Reed–Solomon (RS)-coded spatial modulation (DRSC-SM) scheme over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channel. Two different RS codes are used, one having a smaller minimum distance at the source and the other having a larger minimum distance at the relay. In order to obtain an optimized code at the destination, a proper encoding strategy must be adapted at the relay. Thus, an efficient design approach is proposed that suitably selects the symbols at the relay. Using this optimized approach as a benchmark, another design is proposed to achieve reduced complexity. To jointly decode the source and relay RS codes, three different decoding algorithms known as the naive, smart and improved smart algorithms are presented. Monte Carlo simulated results reveal that the proposed DRSC-SM scheme utilizing the improved smart decoding algorithm outperforms its counterpart DRSC-SM scheme employing the naive and smart decoding algorithms under identical conditions. The simulation results also validate the superiority of the proposed DRSC-SM scheme over its corresponding coded noncooperative scheme under the same decoding algorithm.
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