JCS 2020 Guideline Focused Update on Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
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1. Kimura K, Kimura T, Ishihara M, et al. Japanese Circulation Society Joint Working Group. JCS 2018 guideline on diagnosis and treatment of acute coronary syndrome. <i>Circ J</i> 2019; 83: 1085–1196. PMID: 30930428
2. Nakamura M, et al. JCS 2018 guideline on revascularization of stable coronary artery disease. 2019.
3. Kang J, Park KW, Palmerini T, et al. Racial differences in ischaemia/bleeding risk trade-off during anti-platelet therapy: Individual patient level landmark meta-analysis from seven RCTs. <i>Thromb Haemost</i> 2019; 119: 149–162. PMID: 30597509
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6. Urban P, Mehran R, Colleran R, et al. Defining high bleeding risk in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: A consensus document from the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk. <i>Eur Heart J</i> 2019; 40: 2632–2653. PMID: 31116395
7. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Shiomi H, et al. CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators. Application of the Academic Research Consortium High Bleeding Risk Criteria in an all-comers registry of percutaneous coronary intervention. <i>Circ Cardiovasc Interv</i> 2019; 12: e008307. PMID: 31707804
8. Watanabe H, Domei T, Morimoto T, et al. STOPDAPT-2 Investigators. Very short dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients with high bleeding risk: Insight from the STOPDAPT-2 Trial. <i>Circulation</i> 2019; 140: 1957–1959. PMID: 31560216
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11. Mauri L, Kereiakes DJ, Yeh RW, et al. DAPT Study Investigators. Twelve or 30 months of dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stents. <i>N Engl J Med</i> 2014; 371: 2155–2166. PMID: 25399658
12. Palmerini T, Benedetto U, Bacchi-Reggiani L, et al. Mortality in patients treated with extended duration dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation: A pairwise and Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomised trials. <i>Lancet</i> 2015; 385: 2371–2382. PMID: 25777667
13. Toyota T, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, et al. Short versus prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) duration after coronary stent implantation: A comparison between the DAPT study and 9 other trials evaluating DAPT duration. <i>PLoS One</i> 2017; 12: e0174502. PMID: 28931015
14. Costa F, van Klaveren D, James S, et al. PRECISE-DAPT Study Investigators. Derivation and validation of the predicting bleeding complications in patients undergoing stent implantation and subsequent dual antiplatelet therapy (PRECISE-DAPT) score: A pooled analysis of individual-patient datasets from clinical trials. <i>Lancet</i> 2017; 389: 1025–1034. PMID: 28290994
15. Yeh RW, Secemsky EA, Kereiakes DJ, et al. DAPT Study Investigators. Development and validation of a prediction rule for benefit and harm of dual antiplatelet therapy beyond 1 year after percutaneous coronary intervention. <i>JAMA</i> 2016; 315: 1735–1749. PMID: 27022822
16. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Yamaji K, et al. CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort 2, RESET, and NEXT trial investigators. Prediction of thrombotic and bleeding events after percutaneous coronary intervention: CREDO-Kyoto thrombotic and bleeding risk scores. <i>J Am Heart Assoc</i> 2018; 7: e008708. PMID: 29789335
17. Yeh RW, Secemsky E, Kereiakes DJ, et al. 2015 Late-Breaking Clinical Trial Abstracts: Individualizing treatment duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention: An analysis of the DAPT study. <i>Circulation</i> 2015; 132: 2272. PMID: 26644250
18. Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Watanabe H, et al. Validating utility of dual antiplatelet therapy score in a large pooled cohort from 3 Japanese percutaneous coronary intervention studies. <i>Circulation</i> 2018; 137: 551–562. PMID: 28982692
19. Baber U, Mehran R, Giustino G, et al. Coronary thrombosis and major bleeding after PCI with drug-eluting stents: Risk scores from PARIS. <i>J Am Coll Cardiol</i> 2016; 67: 2224–2234. PMID: 27079334
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29. Giustino G, Chieffo A, Palmerini T, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Complex PCI. <i>J Am Coll Cardiol</i> 2016; 68: 1851–1864. PMID: 27595509
30. Kimura T, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, et al. Long-term safety and efficacy of sirolimus-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents in real world clinical practice in Japan. <i>Cardiovasc Interv Ther</i> 2011; 26: 234–245. PMID: 24122590
31. Kimura T, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, et al. RESET Investigators. Comparison of everolimus-eluting and sirolimus-eluting coronary stents: 1-year outcomes from the Randomized Evaluation of Sirolimus-eluting Versus Everolimus-eluting stent Trial (RESET). <i>Circulation</i> 2012; 126: 1225–1236. PMID: 22824435
32. Natsuaki M, Kozuma K, Morimoto T, et al. NEXT Investigators. Biodegradable polymer biolimus-eluting stent versus durable polymer everolimus-eluting stent: A randomized, controlled, noninferiority trial. <i>J Am Coll Cardiol</i> 2013; 62: 181–190. PMID: 23684673
33. Alba AC, Agoritsas T, Walsh M, et al. Discrimination and calibration of clinical prediction models: Users’ guides to the medical literature. <i>JAMA</i> 2017; 318: 1377–1384. PMID: 29049590
34. Nagao K, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, et al. CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort-2, RESET, and NEXT Investigators. Prognostic impact of baseline hemoglobin levels on long-term thrombotic and bleeding events after percutaneous coronary interventions. <i>J Am Heart Assoc</i> 2019; 8: e013703. PMID: 31701786
35. Numasawa Y, Ueda I, Sawano M, et al. Relation of baseline hemoglobin level to in-hospital outcomes in patients who undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (from a Japanese Multicenter Registry). <i>Am J Cardiol</i> 2018; 121: 695–702. PMID: 29361289
36. Nakamura M, Kozuma K, Kitazono T, et al. Prasugrel for Japanese patients with ischemic heart disease in long-term clinical practice (PRASFIT-Practice II): A 3-month interim analysis of a postmarketing observational study. <i>Circ J</i> 2019; 83: 637–646. PMID: 30674776
37. Nakamura M, Kitazono T, Kozuma K, et al. Prasugrel for Japanese patients with ischemic heart disease in long-term clinical practice (PRASFIT-Practice II): 1-year follow-up results of a postmarketing observational study. <i>Circ J</i> 2019; 84: 101–108. PMID: 31748446
38. Numasawa Y, Inohara T, Ishii H, et al. J-PCI Registry Investigators. Comparison of outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention in elderly patients, including 10 628 nonagenarians: Insights from a Japanese Nationwide Registry (J-PCI Registry). <i>J Am Heart Assoc</i> 2019; 8: e011183. PMID: 30791799
39. Numasawa Y, Inohara T, Ishii H, et al. Comparison of outcomes of women versus men with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (from the Japanese Nationwide Registry). <i>Am J Cardiol</i> 2017; 119: 826–831. PMID: 28040190
40. Saito S, Isshiki T, Kimura T, et al. PRASFIT-ACS and PRASFIT-Elective Investigators. Impact of arterial access route on bleeding complications in Japanese patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: Insight from the PRASFIT Trial. <i>Circ J</i> 2015; 79: 1928–1937. PMID: 26040334
41. Kang J, Park KW, Ki YJ, et al. Development and validation of an ischemic and bleeding risk evaluation tool in East Asian patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention. <i>Thromb Haemost</i> 2019; 119: 1182–1193. PMID: 31079414
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44. de Groot NL, Hagenaars MP, Smeets HM, et al. Primary non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding in NSAID and low-dose aspirin users: Development and validation of risk scores for either medication in two large Dutch cohorts. <i>J Gastroenterol</i> 2014; 49: 245–253. PMID: 23609946
45. Raposeiras-Roubín S, Faxén J, Íñiguez-Romo A, et al. Development and external validation of a post-discharge bleeding risk score in patients with acute coronary syndrome: The BleeMACS score. <i>Int J Cardiol</i> 2018; 254: 10–15. PMID: 29407077
46. Watanabe H, Domei T, Morimoto T, et al. STOPDAPT-2 Investigators. Effect of 1-month dual antiplatelet therapy followed by clopidogrel vs 12-month dual antiplatelet therapy on cardiovascular and bleeding events in patients receiving PCI: The STOPDAPT-2 Randomized Clinical Trial. <i>JAMA</i> 2019; 321: 2414–2427. PMID: 31237644
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48. Numasawa Y, Kohsaka S, Ueda I, et al. Incidence and predictors of bleeding complications after percutaneous coronary intervention. <i>J Cardiol</i> 2017; 69: 272–279. PMID: 27269413
49. Nakamura M, Iizuka T, Sagawa K, et al. Prasugrel for Japanese patients with acute coronary syndrome in short-term clinical practice (PRASFIT-Practice I): A postmarketing observational study. <i>Cardiovasc Interv Ther</i> 2018; 33: 135–145. PMID: 28213685
50. Natsuaki M, Morimoto T, Watanabe H, et al. CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2, RESET and NEXT trial investigators. Ischemic and bleeding risk after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with prior ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. <i>J Am Heart Assoc</i> 2019; 8: e013356. PMID: 31701821
51. Ito S, Watanabe H, Morimoto T, et al. Impact of baseline thrombocytopenia on bleeding and mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention. <i>Am J Cardiol</i> 2018; 121: 1304–1314. PMID: 29628128
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