Investigation of Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: A Study of Bahraini Oil and Gas Industry

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 34 - Trang 123-138 - 2021
Asma Ayari1, Abbas AlHamaqi2
1Management and Marketing Department, College of Business Administration, University of Bahrain, Sakheer, Kingdom of Bahrain
2Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco), Awali, Kingdom of Bahrain

Tóm tắt

In the last five years, the turnover rate of the operation employees in Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) has augmented and attend a critical level, particularly with the government's early retirement attractive approach. Bapco starts to lose highly experienced employees who have a significant impact on the performance of the company. Moreover, the new oil discovery and the modernization of the production units push Bapco to minimize the turnover rate and retain talents to stay competitive. This study examines how organizational commitment has affected the Bahrain Petroleum Company's operation employees turnover intent. The tridimensional model of (Meyer and Allen in Commitment in the workplace: theory, research, and application, Sage, 1997) was used to evaluate organizational commitment. In addition, Abrams et al. (Personality Soc Psychol Bull 24(10): 1027–1039, 1998) model of Turnover Intention was used to examine employee intents to leave the firm. This work reports on a quantitative study of the Bapco operations employees. 154 questionnaires were collected, and the data were analysed with SPSS version 23. The results confirm a significant impact of the three dimensions of OC on TI. These results join previous research and conclude that OC can be used to understand and reduce Bapco operation employees' TI.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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