Investigation into semen characteristics of naturally-fertile pairs in vitro and their correlation with fertility in Florida Sandhill crane
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Semen characteristics of naturally fertile pairs and their correlation with fertility of eggs in Florida sandhill crane (Grus canadensis pratensis) were examined. Six pairs were used in this experiment, and all of them that had bred before were housed in open individual pens. These pairs were isolated physically each other but not visually and audibly. Semen was collected twice (Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon) from February 26 to June 4, 1993. The standard methods at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center were used collecting and evaluating the semen and spermatozoa, and incubating the eggs. There were statistically individual variations (p<0.05) about successful collecting attempts, semen volume, semen concentration, spermatozoon’s motility, spermatozoon’s number per collection, live spermatozoon’s number, male’s response to semen collection, and morphology of spermatozoa except the giant cell. There was a significantly (p<0.05, correlation coefficient was (0.73 or (1.00) negative correlation between fertility of eggs and, the multiple value of semen (sperm) characteristics of naturally fertile pairs in Florida sandhill crane.
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