Inverting reservoir parameters in a two-phase fractured medium with a niche genetic algorithm
Tóm tắt
In this paper we calculate a synthetic medium surface displacement response that is consistent with real measurement data by applying the least-square principle and a niche genetic algorithm to the parameters inversion problem of the wave equation in a two-phase medium. We propose a niche genetic multi-parameter (including porosity, solid phase density and fluid phase density) joint inversion algorithm based on a two-phase fractured medium in the BISQ model. We take the two-phase fractured medium of the BISQ model in a two-dimensional half space as an example, and carry out the numerical reservoir parameters inversion. Results show that this method is very convenient for solving the parameters inversion problem for the wave equation in a two-phase medium, and has the advantage of strong noise rejection. Relative to conventional genetic algorithms, the niche genetic algorithm based on a sharing function can not only significantly speed up the convergence, but also improve the inversion precision.
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