Introduction: Some insights from Western social theory
Tài liệu tham khảo
Bobbio, 1977
Burke, 1968-1970
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Elster, 1989
Ferguson, 1966-1967
Götte, 1987
Herzen, 1850, Letter of a Russian to Mazzini
Kohn, 1956
Lowenthal, 1991
Macpherson, 1980
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Novak, 1989
Prebisch, 1981, On Friedman and Hayek, CEPAL Review
Reddy, 1987
Schrecker, 1991
Schumpeter, 1950
Smith, 1776-1961
Tocqueville, 1835-1945, Vol. 1
Vargas Llosa, 1992, Muerte y Resurrección de Hayek, Ciencia Politica
Winch, 1978
Winstanley, 1651-1973