Intracellular pH regulation by Na+/H+ exchanger-1 (NHE1) is required for growth factor-induced mammary branching morphogenesis

Developmental Biology - Tập 365 Số 1 - Trang 71-81 - 2012
Edmund C. Jenkins1,2, Shawon Debnath3,2, Stephen Gundry4, Sajini Gundry2, Umit Uyar4, Jimmie E. Fata3,1,2
1Biology Doctoral Program, City University of New York Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave., NY, NY, 10016
2Department of Biology, College of Staten Island, 2800 Victory Blvd., Staten Island, NY, 10314
3Biochemistry Doctoral Program, City University of New York Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave., NY, NY, 10016
4Electrical Engineering Doctoral Program, City College of New York, The City University of New York, 160 Convent Avenue, NY, NY, 10031

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