Interregional analysis of energy flows

Papers of the Regional Science Association - Tập 53 - Trang 83-104 - 1983
Jörg Beutel1
1Ifo-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München 86, West Germany

Tóm tắt

The analysis of energy problems is limited by the lack of adequate statistics and instruments for energy analysis. The Commmission of the European Communities, therefore, asked the Federal Statistical Office of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ifo-Institute for Economic Research in Munich to establish input-output tables of energy flows. Relevant studies were simultaneously conducted in six other EEC countries (France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Denmark). This paper analyses the regional structure of energy flows in Europe. Empirical results are presented for the physical energy content (terajoule) and the energy costs (mill. DM) of commodities in France, Italy, Denmark, and the Federal Republic of Germany. In addition, it shows how mixed input-output systems in physical and value units can be analysed with the general input-output model. Mathematically, input-output analysis can be regarded as a special statement of a linear programming model; here, the customary quantity and price models of input-output analysis are transferred into a linear optimization model (general inputo-output model) with a substantial gain of information for users. The objective is to analyse regional differences in energy production and energy use within the European Communities.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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