Intercourse of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus and Putrescine Treatments on Agro Morphological and Biochemical Properties of Strawberry Festival cv.
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Trang 1-12 - 2023
Tóm tắt
Putrescine (Put) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) play an effective role in plant growth and development. However, although studies on the use of putrescine in field conditions are limited, there are no studies on its use with AMF. In this research, the effects of putrescine and AMF applications on yield, plant and fruit development, fruit biochemicals, flowering, and harvest were investigated in strawberry Festival cultivar. Two doses of putrescine (100 and 150 ppm), two types of AMF, (Funneliformis mosseae/FM and Gigaspora margarita/GM), and their interactions were used. The results show that putrescine affected AMF colonization and mycorrhizal dependence. Especially in F. mosseae species, it was observed that colonization increased with putrescine interactions. Also, highest yield was determined as 346.12 g in G. margarita and 150-ppm Put interaction application. The interaction application of F. mosseae and 150-ppm putrescine had the highest amount of vitamin C with an increase of 78% compared to the control. Again, it was observed that this application had the highest amount of catechin and rutin (5.385 and 1.055 mg 100 g−1, respectively). However, only putrescine applications came to the fore in terms of the development of the crown length of the plant and the sugar content. It was determined that G. margarita applications extended the harvest period in this study. These results showed that the yield, vegetative growth, and fruit biochemical content of strawberry could be increased with the interaction application of F. mosseae and 150-ppm putrescine. All in all, a different perspective has been brought to the use of putrescine and mycorrhiza in agricultural production and its positive effects have been revealed.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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