Interaction of two polyelectrolyte gels in solution of an oppositely charged surfactant
Tóm tắt
The behavior of two charged polymer networks in a solution of an oppositely charged surfactant was studied. It was shown that such a system (depending on preset parameters) can exist in different modes: without micelles in both networks, with micelles in one of the network, and with micelles in both networks. The dependences of network dimensions and ion concentrations inside the networks on the surfactant concentration in the solution, the fraction of charged units in one of the networks, and the relative size of the system were obtained. It is possible to affect the state of one network by varying the parameters (e.g., the proportion of charged units) of the other network. Different network swelling scenarios depending on the relative size of the system and the fraction of charged network units were revealed.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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