Inter embryonic (homo- or hetero-sexual) transfer of primordial germ cells between chicken embryos
Tóm tắt
Chicken primordial germ cells (PGCs) collected from thecirculating blood in embryonic vessels at stage 13–15 were inter-embryonically, homo- or hetero-sexually,transferred to the blood vessels of recipient embryosat the same stage of development. Approximately 30%of the embryos treated with hetero-sexual transfer of PGCs had abnormal gonads, showing ovotestis likeorgans. In this case, some of these reversed gonadswere considered to be dependent upon the ratio of thenumber of PGCs from donor to recipient embryos. Oneof the treated embryos possessed completely reversedorgans. Therefore, the introduction of exogenousembryonic vessels was thought to be also useful forproducing transgened gonads.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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