Intensification of contaminants, hydrology, and pollution of hyporheic zone: the liver of river ecology—a review
Environmental Sustainability - Trang 1-13 - 2023
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The ecological activities within the hyporheic zone (HZ) heavily rely on water flow dynamics. The arrangement of the hyporheic community is influenced significantly by the hydrological fluxes occurring within the zone, particularly driven by the dynamics of watercourse surface flow. While there is an ongoing debate, it is suggested that benthic organisms may utilize the HZ as a sanctuary. The ability of stream organisms to colonize the HZ is influenced by their biological characteristics. Lower oxygen levels and reduced pore space in deeper sediment layers restrict the presence of macroinvertebrates while favoring meiofauna and protists. Limited research has been conducted on the overall role of hyporheos in the assembly of entire ecosystems, with most studies focusing on larger species. The metabolism of the hyporheos facilitates the transformation of pollutants and nutrients within the HZ through the action of biofilms that degrade dissolved substances, including contaminants. Lastly, the community that feeds on biofilms and participates in hyporheic exchange flow indirectly contributes to these processes. The aim of this review article is to highlight the critical role of water flow dynamics in the hyporheic zone and its influence on the arrangement of the ecological community within. It emphasizes the potential sanctuary function of the hyporheic zone for benthic organisms, shaped by their biological characteristics.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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