Intelligent Bézier curve-based path planning model using Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 Số S2 - Trang 4745-4766 - 2019
Alaa Tharwat1,2, Mohamed Elhoseny3,2, Aboul Ella Hassanien4,2, Thomas Gabel1, Arun Kumar5
1Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2Scientific Research Group in Egypt (SRGE), Cairo, Egypt
3Faculty of Computers and Information, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
4Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
5School of EEE, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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