Integrating value-chain approach with participatory multi-criteria analysis for sustainable planning of a niche crop in Indian Himalayas

Journal of Mountain Science - Tập 16 - Trang 2417-2434 - 2019
Sudeshna Maya Sen1, Arun Kansal1
1Coca-Cola Department of Regional Water Studies, TERI School of Advanced Studies, Vasant Kunj, India

Tóm tắt

The value-chain approach (VCA) was used for exploring how a niche crop, namely large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.), can be developed sustainably to increase incomes and enhance rural livelihoods in the mountains. Large cardamom is a high-value, agro-climatically suitable, and non-perishable spice crop grown in the Himalayan region. Originating in Sikkim, the crop is important to the local economy and is sold in both domestic and international markets; however, its production in India has been declining significantly in recent years. Using VCA and participatory methods of data collection the study helped elicit value chain actors’ perspectives on various reasons for the decline as well as potential strategies to improve the cardamom value chain. The results present the multiple environmental and climatic (e.g. water stress), social (e.g. women participation) and institutional (e.g. lack of trust between actors) challenges and corresponding upgrading strategies. Through participatory multi-criteria analysis (MCA), the strategies were prioritized based on the overall preferences of multiple stakeholders. The analysis considered eight criteria and 25 options, or strategies, and found that that marketability and profitability were the most important criteria, and increasing cardamom production, the most important option trait. Stakeholder discussions along with sensitivity analysis also showed how these options could be implemented and revealed how criteria preferences can change with expert inputs. This combination of VCA and MCA, because it supports participatory decision-making and balances multiple dimensions of sustainable development, can be effectively deployed in planning for agricultural development in the mountains.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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