Integrating Land Use and Socioeconomic Factors into Scenario-Based Travel Demand and Carbon Emission Impact Study
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Integration of land use and transportation planning with current and future spatial distributions of population and employment is a challenge but critical to sustainable planning outcomes. The challenge is specific to how sustainability factors (e.g., carbon dioxide emission), and land use and socioeconomic changes are considered in a streamlined manner. To address the challenge, this paper presents an integrated modeling and computing framework for systemic analysis of regional- and project-level transportation environmental impacts for land use mix patterns and associated transportation activities. A synthetic computing platform has been developed to facilitate the scenario-based quantitative analysis of cause-and-effect mechanisms between land use changes and/or traffic management and control strategies, their impacts on traffic mobility and the environment. Within the integrated platform, multiple models for land use pattern, travel demand forecasting, traffic simulation, vehicle and carbon emission, and other operation and sustainability measures are integrated using mathematical models in a Geographical Information System environment. Furthermore, a case study of the Greater Cincinnati area at regional level is performed to test the integrated functionality as a capable tool for urban planning, transportation and environmental analysis. The case study results indicate that such an integration investigation can help assess strategies in land use planning and transportation systems management for improved sustainability.
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