Infrared small target detection based on non-subsampled shearlet transform and phase spectrum of quaternion Fourier transform
Tóm tắt
Infrared small target detection is a crucial part of infrared search and track system, and it has been a significant research topic in the past decades. Inspired by previous studies showing that phase spectrum of quaternion Fourier transform (PQFT) great superiority in salient region extraction and the desirable characteristics of multi-scale, multi-direction and shift-invariant with non-subsampled shearlet transform (NSST), a new target detection method is proposed based on NSST and PQFT in this paper. The original image is first subjected to NSST decomposition to obtain a low frequency component and four high frequency components by NSP. Next, directional localization is achieved by shearing filters which provides multi-directional decomposition. Then, four direction high frequency sub-images decomposed by NSST are introduced as four data channels of PQFT. The reconstruction map that highlights the salient region in the time domain is computed using the inverse PQFT. Lastly, the real target is directly segmented by an adaptive threshold. The proposed method is validated by five test sequences. The experimental results show that our method is superior to other traditional methods in terms of robustness and effectiveness in complex background.
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