Information enabling production ramp‐up

SabinaFjällström1, KristinaSäfsten2, UlrikaHarlin3, JohanStahre1
1Division of Production Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
2School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden
3Swerea IVF AB, Mölndal, Sweden

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PurposeThis paper seeks to identify information enabling and supporting production ramp‐up processes, by exploring critical events and the role of information in such events.Design/methodology/approachThe research approach was based on empirical and theoretical investigations. A selection of 30 events, considered the most critical for production ramp‐up realization and/or performance at one Swedish automotive company, were categorized and constituted the base for the analysis which focused information types and sources enabling event handling.FindingsInformation enabling event handling is a balanced combination of problem and domain information, regardless of event category. However, a differentiation concerning preference and usage of information types between experienced and less experienced personnel is identified. Problem‐solving information has the character of pragmatic information, composed of complementary parts of confirmation and novelty in terms of domain and problem information. The preferred information source in all event categories was “other people”.Research limitations/implicationsThe study focuses on the application of information in relation to critical events during production ramp‐up. General information theory is not addressed in depth.Practical implicationsInformation type and information source are not dependent on certain event categories, which allows a general information strategy enabling production ramp‐up. To facilitate production ramp‐up and event handling managers and key personnel need to apply a holistic perspective and need to be updated on domain information of the products, the equipment, and the production process during production ramp‐up.Originality/valueThe originality is in the focus and role of information to achieve an efficient production ramp‐up performance. A supporting model is developed which describes the structure of pragmatic information for personnel with various levels of experience, regardless of event category.

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