Informal interorganizational business relationships and customer loyalty: Comparing Guanxi, Yongo, and Wasta

International Business Review - Tập 30 - Trang 101805 - 2021
Man Zhang1, Janet L. Hartley1, Faten Baddar AL-Husan2, Fawaz Baddar ALHussan3,4
1Department of Management, Schmidthorst College of Business, Bowling Green State University, 43403, USA
2Newcastle University Business School, 5 Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4SE, UK
3IESEG School of Management, 3 Rue de la Digue, Lille 59000, France
4LEM-CNRS 9221, 3 rue de la Digue, Lille 59000, France

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