Influence of additional dielectric coatings on the electrode surfaces on selected parameters of acoustic emission signals in high-voltage gas insulation systems

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 104 - Trang 1741-1755 - 2021
Arkadiusz Dobrzycki1, Władysław Opydo2, Sebastian Zakrzewski3
1Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
2Institute of Electrical Engineering, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland
3Tele-Fonika Kable S.A., Myślenice, Poland

Tóm tắt

The paper is devoted to the study of impact of additional dielectric coatings placed on the surface of the electrodes on the operation of a high-voltage insulation system with air as insulating medium. The study mainly focused on measurement of partial discharges (PDs) with the use of acoustic emission method. Tests were conducted in various levels of chamber pressure. Applicable parameters of recorded signals were analyzed with the use of applications developed in the environment of MATLAB software. The results of analyses clearly show that presence of additional coatings has impact on signal parameters and thus indirectly on PDs. The use of coatings reduces the duration of a single pulse (event) and increases its amplitude. Furthermore, the influence of degradation of the coating caused by individual discharges on the values of the analyzed parameters was analyzed. The study has shown, however, that this effect is negligible.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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