Inertial endomorphisms of an abelian group
Tóm tắt
We describe inertial endomorphisms of an abelian group
, that is endomorphisms
$$\varphi $$
with the property
$$|(\varphi (X)+X)/X|<\infty $$
for each
$$X\le A$$
. They form a ring
containing the ideal
formed by the so-called finitary endomorphisms, the ring of power endomorphisms and also other non-trivial instances. We show that the quotient ring
is commutative. Moreover, inertial invertible endomorphisms form a group, provided
has finite torsion-free rank. In any case, the group
they generate is commutative modulo the group
of finitary automorphisms, which is known to be locally finite. We deduce that
is locally-(center-by-finite). Also, we consider the lattice dual property, that is
$$|X/(X\cap \varphi (X))|<\infty $$
for each
$$X\le A$$
and show that this implies the above one, provided
has finite torsion-free rank.
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