Individual Channel Capacity in a Communication System with Nonorthogonal Multiple Access

M. G. Bakulin1, T. B. K. Ben Rejeb1, V. B. Kreyndelin1, D. Yu. Pankratov1, A. E. Smirnov1
1Moscow Technical University of Communication and Computer Science, Moscow, Russia

Tóm tắt

Abstract—The purpose of this article is to analyze the capacity of a discrete-continuous communication channel (DC-channel) as applied to nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) systems. In this work, an expression is obtained for the individual mutual information of a DC-channel in communication systems with nonorthogonal access, which makes it possible to analyze the capacity of the DC-channel individually for subscribers of NOMA systems. Its effectiveness for analyzing group signals of NOMA systems is shown, examples of its use are given, and capacity characteristics for NOMA subscribers are obtained as well.

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