Increase in forage yield in narrowleaf birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus tenuis Waldst & Kit ex Willd) in a permanent pasture with foliar applied gibberellic acid (GA3), and phosphorus

Plant Growth Regulation - Tập 21 - Trang 223-228 - 1997
A.A. Clua1, D.O. Gimenez1, L.V. Fernandez1
1Instituto de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina

Tóm tắt

Lotus tenuis is a perennial legume with a good adaptation to infertile, heavy and waterlogging soils. It can replace alfalfa in these sites with a similar feeding value. An important constraint is its weak competitive capacity with other graminae and weed species in permanent pastures, having consequently a poor forage yield. The objective of the present research is to overcome this disadvantage, enhancing its competitive ability with foliar applications of GA3 (GA) and phosphorus (P), increasing L. tenuis forage yield. Field experiments were conducted during 1994 with foliar application of GA (50 mg.l-1) and during 1995 with foliar application of GA (25 and 50 mg.l-1), phosphorus (8 kg.ha-1, as P2O5) and their combinations, in permanent pastures with L. tenuis and other companion grasses. In 1994 GA 50 increased significantly L. tenuis dry matter (DML) in 64.6% but not the dry matter of graminae fraction (DMG) and in consequence the total dry matter of the pasture (TDMP) was increased. In 1995 all GA treatments and their combinations with phosphorus enhanced DML but not DMG. In this sense GA 25 + P was the most effective treatment with a 151% increment of DML. Consequently TDMP was significantly increased due to a larger participation of L. tenuis in the forage yield. This increase was achieved due to a greater length and diameter of L. tenuis branches, with a logical modification in leaf:stem ratio. Moreover GA treatments reduced L. tenuis flower number. Phosphorus treatment, applied alone, showed an increase in the DML. GA treatments did not modify the feeding value of the forage in L. tenuis and graminae fractions, except GA 50 and GA 50 + P in acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and crude protein (CP), respect to the control. The total crude protein (CP.m-2) was enhanced in all GA and GA + P treatments. Foliar GA3 and phosphorus spray applications increased the competitiveness of trefoil for light, on account of morphological changes in the spatial disposition of L. tenuis stems reaching faster the top of the pasture canopy. This practice can be an adequate alternative to increase the forage yield and total crude protein in permanent and cultivated pastures with a low cost-benefit ratio.

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