In vivo demyelination by antimyelin antibodies
Tóm tắt
Central nervous system (CNS) myelinspecific antiserum was capable of initiating primary demyelination within 24 h following injection into the dorsal column of guinea pig spinal cord. Control serum injected in the same manner did not produce demyelination. The demyelinating lesions occurred as local linear plaques of completely denuded intact axons surrounded by partially demyelinated and myelinated normal axons. Antiserum-mediated demyelination was followed by mononuclear cell infiltration 7–10 days later. Ultrastructural examination revealed vesiculation of myelin followed by cleavage of myelin lamellae at the intraperiod line. Remyelination began between 7 and 10 days following injection and correlated well with clinical evidence of recovery. The results of this study point to the importance of circulating autimyelin antibodies in the pathogenesis of demyelinating encephalitis. The model represents an in vivo approach to the study of the pathogenesis of immune-mediated myelinolysis in demyelinating disorders like multiple sclerosis (MS), subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), and canine distemper encephalitis (CDE).
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