Improving the safety of massive reinforced-concrete structures with contact construction joints
Tóm tắt
1. The experimental investigations that we conducted made it possible to establish the performance characteristics of concrete contact joints and reinforcing rods that intersect the joints under compressive forces. Moreover, the shear strengths of concrete contact joints and reinforcing rods were defined more precisely. 2. It was established by theoretical analysis that to assess the shear strength of a concrete contact joint under compressive forces, it was expedient to use two computational models based, respectively, on the conditional factional force, and strength criteria for the plane stressed state. 3. It was established by theoretical analysis that to assess the shear strength of a reinforcing rodr it is expedient to use a bending model based on the simultaneous limiting state of the concrete and reinforcement; a bending deformation model based on the combined deformations of the reinforcement and concrete with consideration given to their elastoplastic behavior; and, a rod (tie) model consisting of inclined compressed concrete braces and tensioned reinforcing elements. 4. The coefficients entering into the computational relationships are defined more precisely on the basis of the experimental data. Corrected relationships have been developed for analysis of the strength of concrete contact joints and reinforcing rods under compressive forces.