Improved long-term bone-implant integration Experiments in transgenic mice overexpressing bovine growth hormone

MJS Publishing, Medical Journals Sweden AB - Tập 68 Số 4 - Trang 344-348 - 1997
Per Morberg1,2, Olle Isaksson3, Carina B. Johansson1, Joakim Sandstedt4, Jan Törnell4
1Biomaterials group, Dept. of Handicap Research, Medicinaregatan 8, Gothenburg, S-413 90, Sweden, +46 31 773-29 50, -29 41
2Dept. of Orthopaedics, East Hospital, Inst, for Surgical Sciences, Gothenburg, S-413 90, Sweden, +46 31 773-29 50, -29 41
3Dept of Internal Medicine, RCEM, Sahlgrens Hospital, Gothenburg, S-413 90, Sweden, +46 31 773-29 50, -29 41
4Dept. of Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, S-413 90, Sweden, +46 31 773-29 50, -29 41

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