Improved error bounds for floating-point products and Horner’s scheme
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denote the relative rounding error of some floating-point format. Recently it has been shown that for a number of standard Wilkinson-type bounds the typical factors
$$\gamma _k:=k\mathbf{u}/(1-k\mathbf{u})$$
can be improved into
, and that the bounds are valid without restriction on
. Problems include summation, dot products and thus matrix multiplication, residual bounds for
- and Cholesky-decomposition, and triangular system solving by substitution. In this note we show a similar result for the product
$$\prod _{i=0}^k{x_i}$$
of real and/or floating-point numbers
, for computation in any order, and for any base
$$\beta \geqslant 2$$
. The derived error bounds are valid under a mandatory restriction of
. Moreover, we prove a similar bound for Horner’s polynomial evaluation scheme.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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