Implications of the principle of maximum conformality for the QCD strong coupling
Tài liệu tham khảo
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Q value where the LFHQCD prediction for αg1 starts to disagree by more than 10% with the central value of αg1 obtained using conventional pQCD in the MS‾ RS, up to 4 loops for the β-series and 4th order in the Bjorken sum. The 10% prescription is chosen as typical of the general uncertainty on αg1. Likewise, the value of 1.0 GeV for the lower limit of applicability of conventional pQCD, The value of 1.3 GeV is determined as the, in the MS‾ RS is determined as the value where αg1 from conventional pQCD is 10% larger than the LFHQCD prediction. This agrees with the typical prescription that pQCD is applicable for Q>1 GeV.
At high-orders some of the propagators which share the typical momentum flow of the process could be soft, leading to nonperturbative high-twist contributions.
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