Image‐based post‐disaster inspection of reinforced concrete bridge systems using deep learning with Bayesian optimization
Tóm tắt
Many bridge structures, one of the most critical components in transportation infrastructure systems, exhibit signs of deteriorations and are approaching or beyond the initial design service life. Therefore, structural health inspections of these bridges are becoming critically important, especially after extreme events. To enhance the efficiency of such an inspection, in recent years, autonomous damage detection based on computer vision has become a research hotspot. This article proposes a three‐level image‐based approach for post‐disaster inspection of the reinforced concrete bridge using deep learning with novel training strategies. The convolutional neural network for image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation are, respectively, proposed to conduct system‐level failure classification, component‐level bridge column detection, and local damage‐level damage localization. To enable efficient training and prediction using a small data set, the model robustness is a crucial aspect to be taken into account, generally through its hyperparameters’ selection. This article, based on Bayesian optimization, proposes a principled manner of such selection, with which very promising results (well over 90% accuracies) and robustness are observed on all three‐level deep learning models.
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