Hyperspectral imaging in perfusion and wound diagnostics – methods and algorithms for the determination of tissue parameters

Biomedizinische Technik - Tập 63 Số 5 - Trang 547-556 - 2018
Amadeus Holmer1, Jörg Marotz1, Philip Wahl1, Michael Dau2, Peer W. Kämmerer3,2
1Diaspective Vision GmbH, Strandstraße 15, D-18233 Am Salzhaff, Germany
2Department of Oral, Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery , University Medical Center Rostock , D-18057 Rostock , Germany
3Department of Oral, Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery , University Medical Center Mainz , D-55131 Mainz , Germany

Tóm tắt


Blood perfusion is the supply of tissue with blood, and oxygen is a key factor in the field of minor and major wound healing. Reduced perfusion of a wound bed or transplant often causes various complications. Reliable methods for an objective evaluation of perfusion status are still lacking, and insufficient perfusion may remain undiscovered, resulting in chronic processes and failing transplants. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) represents a novel method with increasing importance for clinical practice. Therefore, methods, software and algorithms for a new HSI system are presented which can be used to observe tissue oxygenation and other parameters that are of importance in supervising healing processes. This could offer an improved insight into wound perfusion allowing timely intervention.

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