Hypergraph network embedding for community detection
Tóm tắt
Using attribute graphs for node embedding to detect community structure has become a popular research topic. However, most of the existing algorithms mainly focus on the network structure and node features, which ignore the higher-order relationships between nodes. In addition, only adopting the original graph structure will suffer from sparsity problems, and will also result in suboptimal node clustering performance. In this paper, we propose a hypergraph network embedding (HGNE) for community detection to solve the above problems. Firstly, we construct potential connections based on the shared feature information of the nodes. By fusing the original topology with feature-based potential connections, both the explicit and implicit relationships are encoded into the node representations, thus alleviating the sparsity problem. Secondly, for integrating the higher-order relationship, we adopt hypergraph convolution to encode the higher-order correlations. To constrain the quality of the node embedding, the spectral hypergraph embedding loss is utilized. Furthermore, we design a dual-contrast mechanism, which draws similar nodes closer by comparing the representations of different views. This mechanism can efficiently prevent multi-node classes from distorting less-node classes. Finally, the dual-contrast mechanism is jointly optimized with self-training clustering to obtain more robust node representations, thus improving the clustering results. Extensive experiments on five datasets indicate the superiority and effectiveness of HGNE.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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