Hybrid Governance: The Case of Household Solid Waste Management in Sweden

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 143-154 - 2013
Katja Lindqvist1
1Department of Service Management, Lund University - Campus Helsingborg, Helsingborg, Sweden

Tóm tắt

Governance is hybrid to the extent that it involves diverse organizational forms, jurisdictional domains, and stakeholders across the public and private sectors. This article analyses the governance of household solid waste management in Sweden from a hybridity perspective, with the City of Helsingborg in North-Western Scania in Sweden as an example. The governance arrangements comprise municipal and company-based organizations, conflicting legislation, and long planning and investment horizons. The latter has resulted in significant innovations over the last 20 years, while changes in organizational forms, tasks, networks and jurisdictions have caused tensions in governance processes and relationships.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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