How to generate economic satisfaction in b2b contexts? The role of value co-creation and relationship quality
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The aim of this article is to investigate how value co-creation in a B2B context influences relationship quality and economic satisfaction between tourism companies considering factors of trust, commitment, and social satisfaction as key antecedents to determining the quality of the relationship. This study was carried out with a sample of 268 hotels in Spain. The data were analysed via the partial least squares (PLS) regression technique, using the “SEMinR” and “matrixpls” packages with the R software. The results show that value co-creation in a B2B context is a differentiating, integrating, dynamic tool that is capable of improving relationship quality between partners in the hotel sector. In addition, it was confirmed that co-creation leads to economic satisfaction and improved results for all the agents involved in a commercial interaction. This work contributes conceptually and empirically to the relationship marketing literature by providing an innovative route to understand how B2B value co-creation networks are organised. Quantitative evidence is revealed about how co-creation can stimulate the positive evaluation of a company regarding the economic results or benefits obtained thanks to the quality of the relationship with its tourism supplier.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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