HoloSLAM: a novel approach to virtual landmark-based SLAM for indoor environments
Tóm tắt
In this paper, we present HoloSLAM which is a novel solution to landmark detection issues in the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem in autonomous robot navigation. The approach integrates real and virtual worlds to create a novel mapping robotic environment employing a mixed-reality technique and a sensor, namely Microsoft HoloLens. The proposed methodology allows the robot to interact and communicate with its new environment in real-time and overcome the limitations of conventional landmark-based SLAMs by creating and placing some virtual landmarks in situations where real landmarks are scarce, non-existent, or hard to be detected. The proposed approach enhances the robot’s perception and navigation capabilities in various robot environments. The overall process contributes to the robot’s more accurate understanding of its environment; thus, enabling it to navigate with greater efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, the newly implemented HoloSLAM offers the option to guide the robot to a specific location eliminating the need for explicit navigation instructions. The open-source framework proposed in this paper can benefit the robotics community by providing a more reliable, realistic, and robust mapping solution. The experiments show that the Ellipsoidal-HoloSLAM system is accurate and effectively overcomes the limitations of conventional Ellipsoidal-SLAMs, providing a more precise and detailed mapping of the robot’s environment.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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