High level expression, purification and activation of human dipeptidyl peptidase I from mammalian cells

Protein Expression and Purification - Tập 76 Số 1 - Trang 59-64 - 2011
Weiren Yang1, Wenjuan Xia1, Jingjing Mao1, Daqi Xu1, Jianhe Chen1, Shan Feng1, Jianhua Wang1, Hua Li1, Claus Friis Theisen2, Jørn Meidahl Petersen3, Matthı́as Thórólfsson3, Hanne Benedicte Rasmussen3, Flemming Junker2, Esper Boel3, Jing Su1
1Beijing Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Sci & Tech Co. Ltd., Beijing 102206, China.
2Novo Nordisk A/S, 2820 Gentofte, Denmark
3Novo Nordisk A/S, 2760 Måløv, Denmark

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