High environmental relative moldiness index during infancy as a predictor of asthma at 7 years of age

Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology - Tập 107 Số 2 - Trang 120-126 - 2011
Tiina Reponen1, Stephen Vesper2, Linda Levin1, Elisabet Johansson1, Patrick Ryan1, Jeffery Burkle1, Sergey A. Grinshpun1, Shuguo Zheng1, David I. Bernstein1,3, James E. Lockey1,3, Manuel Villareal3, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey4, Grace K. LeMasters1
1Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio
3Department of Internal Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
4Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio

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