Hierarchical MVSNet with cost volume separation and fusion based on U-shape feature extraction

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 29 - Trang 377-387 - 2022
Wanjun Liu1, Junkai Wang1, Haicheng Qu1, Lei Shen1
1School of Software, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, People’s Republic of China

Tóm tắt

Multi-view stereo (MVS) methods based on deep learning have developed rapidly in recent years, but inaccuracies in reconstruction due to the general effect of feature extraction and poor correlation between cost volumes are still present, opening possibilities for improvement in reconstruction accuracy and completeness. We therefore develop a hierarchical MVS network model with cost volume separation and fusion to mitigate these problems. First, to obtain a more complete and accurate feature information from the input images, a U-shape feature extraction module was designed that outputs feature information simultaneously according to a hierarchical structure composed of three different scales. Then, to enhance the learning ability of the network structure for features, we introduced attention mechanisms to the extracted features that focus on and learn the highlighted features. Finally, in the cost volume regularization stage, a cost volume separation and fusion module was designed in the structure of a hierarchical cascade. This module separates the information within the small-scale cost volume, passes it to the lower level cost volume for fusion, and performs a coarse-to-fine depth map estimation. This model results in substantial improvements in reconstruction accuracy and completeness. The results of extensive experiments on the DTU dataset show that our method performs better than Cascade-MVSNet by about 10.2% in accuracy error (acc.), 7.6% in completeness error (comp.), and 9.0% in overall error (overall), with similar performance in the reconstruction completeness, showing the validity of our module.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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