Hepatocyte population dynamics during hydrocortisone and thioacetamide treatment
Tóm tắt
The orderly organization in a number of discrete classes of weight persists in the hepatocytes during acute and chronic poisoning with thioacetamide and during a prolonged treatment with hydrocortisone, though many striking cytological and structural changes occur in the liver. The number of hepatocyte classes decreases under hydrocortisone treatment and during acute and chronic thioacetamide poisoning, and increases during recovery after acute thioacetamide poisoning and during the late phases of chronic thioacetamide poisoning. This is due to decrements and increments in dry mass of the hepatocytes, which occur by steps, through repeated losses and additions of a constant amount of solids substantially corresponding to the class period. Such a mechanism is similar to that acting in the hepatocyte atrophy due to starvation and in the hepatocyte enlargement occurring during postnatal development. Therefore, the increment and the decrement in dry mass by defined steps takes place in the hepatocytes in both physiological and pathological conditions.
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