Heart Disease and Pregnancy

Cardiology and Therapy - Tập 6 - Trang 157-173 - 2017
Reza Ashrafi1, Stephanie L. Curtis1
1Congenital Cardiac Centre, Bristol Heart Institute, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, UK

Tóm tắt

Cardiac disease remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in pregnant and post-partum women, although progress has been made, with specialist joint obstetric–cardiology clinics providing an integrated, safe and personalised service to these women. As a result, fewer non-specialist cardiologists are managing women in pregnancy with cardiovascular disease. The aim of this review is to provide a brief overview of current knowledge and practice in the field, with an emphasis on the major physiological changes which occur during pregnancy, focussing on progress through the trimesters, clinical assessment in pregnancy, management of delivery (concentrating on managed vaginal delivery), drug treatment, key conditions and risk assessment. The latter factor is particularly important in terms of being able to identify high-risk women earlier and to counsel them appropriately. Pregnant women with cardiovascular conditions can, with appropriate knowledge and counselling, be managed safely in specialist multidisciplinary services, but there is a need for cardiologists to understand the key changes and risks involved in pregnancy, delivery and the post-partum period.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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