Harnessing essential biodiversity variables and remote sensing of earth observations - synthesizing biodiversity insights
Spatial Information Research - Trang 1-12 - 2023
Tóm tắt
There are major gaps remaining in understanding of species distribution and how relationships between biodiversity, environment and scales change over space and time. This review explores the significance, challenges, future directions, and the potential contribution of Earth Observations based Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) to enhance our understanding of biodiversity. Integrating EBVs with Remote Sensing of Earth Observations (RS-EO) is found to be an effective approach to quantify and monitor changes in biodiversity over space and time. Species serves as the fundamental taxonomic units of biodiversity and are the focal points of conservation policies. Prioritizing the utilization of species-level metrics and their seamless integration into the EBV framework is crucial. The current study has contributed 11 potential EBVs to the existing knowledge base. Integrating multiple data sources and methodologies is essential for overcoming the constraints and obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of biodiversity patterns. This synergy offers a holistic approach for monitoring, assessing, and managing biodiversity, to contribute significantly to global conservation efforts and sustainable development goals.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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