Harnack Inequalities and Applications for Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Semigroups with Jump
Tóm tắt
The Harnack inequality established in Röckner and Wang (J Funct Anal 203:237–261, 2003) for generalized Mehler semigroup is improved and generalized. As applications, the log-Harnack inequality, the strong Feller property, the hyper-bounded property, and some heat kernel inequalities are presented for a class of O-U type semigroups with jump. These inequalities and semigroup properties are indeed equivalent, and thus sharp, for the Gaussian case. As an application of the log-Harnack inequality, the HWI inequality is established for the Gaussian case. Perturbations with linear growth are also investigated.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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