Habitat and humans predict the distribution of juvenile and adult snapper (Sparidae: Chrysophrys auratus) along Australia's most populated coastline

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science - Tập 257 - Trang 107397 - 2021
M.J. Rees1, N.A. Knott1, M.L. Hing1, M. Hammond1, J. Williams2, J. Neilson3, D.S. Swadling1, A. Jordan2
1Fisheries Research, NSW Department of Primary Industries, PO Box 89, Huskisson, NSW, 2540, Australia
2Fisheries Research, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Locked Bag 800 Nelson Bay, NSW, 2315, Australia
3Marine Planning, NSW Department of Primary Industries, 84 Crown St, Wollongong, NSW, 2520, Australia

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