Graph embedding as a new approach for unknown malware detection
Tóm tắt
Malware is any type of computer program which is developed to harm computers, networks, and information. Noticeable growth of malware development has made computer and network security a significant and challenging area in recent years. There is an intensive competition between malwares and antiviruses. Malware authors make every effort to develop new harmful codes using various programming tricks and exploits which are unseen for detection techniques. On the other hand, antivirus developers upgrade their methods and algorithms to recognize unknown malware. Therefore, an accurate and rapid detection method is an irrefutable demand in computer security area. This paper proposes a new malware detection method based on the OpCodes within an executable file. Proposed method generates a graph of operational codes (OpCode) within an executable file and then embeds this graph into eigenspace using “Power Iteration” method. This will help us represent an executable file as a linear combination of eigenvectors proportionate to their eigenvalues, which is beneficial to train machine learning classifiers such as k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM). The main advantages of our proposed method are high detection rate despite utilizing simple classifiers like KNN, acceptable computational complexity even in large scale datasets against rival methods, and low false positive rate.
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