Graded quasi-Lie algebras
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P.P. Kulish and N.Yu. Reshetikhin: Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov 101 (1981) 101; Engl. transl.: J. Sov. Math. 23 (1983).
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J.T. Hartwig, D. Larsson and S.D. Silvestrov: Deformations of Lie algebras using σ-derivations, Preprints in Mathematical Sciences 2003:32, LUTFMA-5036-2003, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, (2003), math.QA/0408064. To appear in Journal of Algebra.
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D. Larsson and S.D. Silvestrov: math.RA/0506172, to appear.